At Memphis Recovery Centers, our outpatient rehab program provides comprehensive addiction treatment for people who are ready for recovery. Our outstanding team of experts has years of experience in the addiction treatment field, and we customize treatment plans for each person in our care. If you or someone you care about may be ready to enroll in an outpatient rehab program, reach out to our Memphis Recovery Centers team today.
Recognizing an Existing Addiction
Understanding the signs of addiction can be the first essential step in getting the right kind of care and support. Some of these common signs of addiction include:
Physical Changes
People may undergo many different physical changes when they suffer from an addiction. Some may lose their appetite and experience weight loss. Others may develop rashes or marks on their skin. It’s also common for those with an addiction to have bloodshot eyes.
Mental or Emotional Changes
A person’s physical appearance is not all that changes through the course of addiction. Their mood, disposition, and mental status may also change a great deal. For example, a previously mild-mannered person may seem to get angry or belligerent for little to no reason. Others may experience extreme depression or anxiety.
New Friends or Altered Routine
In some cases, a person facing addiction may begin to associate with the wrong crowd that engages in similar behaviors. They also may change their daily routine to include a different route to work or an altered schedule.
What Is an Outpatient Program?
When determining the difference between inpatient and outpatient treatment centers, we have to understand the functions of each. What is an outpatient program? As opposed to inpatient drug rehab, outpatient settings do not require that the person seeking treatment reside within the treatment center. Rather, the individual continues to live in their own home.
Benefits of an Outpatient Program
So far, we have been answering the important question, “What is an outpatient program?” We also need to discover what the benefits of this treatment option might include. The following four benefits are common with this form of treatment:
Treatment Feels Less Invasive
Many people feel that continuing to reside in their own homes is a less invasive way of handling addiction issues.
Treatment Includes Family
Since a person remains in their own home, their treatment plan often includes their immediate family members. This family therapy program can help restore damaged relationships.
Treatment Includes Community Services
Treatment options in an outpatient setting also often include access to important community resources and aftercare to continue relapse prevention.
Getting Access to the Right Kind of Treatment Center
When someone you care about experiences addiction problems, you may feel a lot of fear and stress. Gaining access to partial hospitalization information and facts about your treatment options can reduce your stress.
Memphis Recovery Centers is an excellent rehabilitation facility in Memphis, TN. By emphasizing family involvement and holistic treatment options, Memphis Recovery can customize a treatment plan for each person’s needs and wants.
Choose Memphis Recovery Centers’ Outpatient Program and Begin Your Recovery
When it comes time to face addiction, have a team of professionals in your corner. At Memphis Recovery Centers, our experts can help you or a loved one learn the tools necessary for genuine, long-lasting recovery. If you or someone you care about may benefit from an outpatient rehab program, reach out to our team today. Contact 901-272-7751 to find out how Memphis Recovery can help you.