Many people in the United States are struggling with addiction, many with prescription drugs. Addiction is a dangerous disease that makes you believe that you don’t have a problem. Many people who pass away from overdoses or have an unmanageable life never realize the severity of their addiction. This is why it’s so important to understand the Vicodin addiction signs and when to get help.
Why the Vicodin Addiction Signs are Hard to Spot
For many years, people believed that addiction was a choice that people were making, but that’s not the case. With new advances in medical science and addiction research, we now know that addiction is a severe illness. Addiction affects the part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, and one of its responsibilities is self-awareness. Those who have an addiction often stay in denial because they aren’t self-aware enough to see the problem.
It’s much easier for someone with an addiction to drugs like heroin or methamphetamines to realize they have a problem. You might not recognize the Vicodin addiction signs because a doctor prescribes you the medication. The reality is that Vicodin can become highly addictive, and you can also develop a dependence. If you’re worried that you may have an addiction to the drug, some of the signs that you should look for include the following:
Symptoms of withdrawal when you don’t use the medication
- Taking more of the medication than what your doctor prescribed
- Lying to doctors or doctor shop to get more prescriptions
- Buying the medication illegally
- Stealing the medication or money to buy the medication
How Treatment Helps the Vicodin Addiction Signs
If you see that you struggle with the signs of addiction, it’s important to know that a Vicodin addiction treatment program can help. In treatment, you’ll go through individual therapy sessions where you can discuss your issues in private. Working with a therapist allows you to get to the root of your addiction so you can begin healing. Once you’re able to identify your various triggers, you’ll find new ways to cope with life.
Many people with an addiction struggle with pain, but there are alternatives to help you overcome these issues. Not only that, but you’ll be in a treatment program with others who are also struggling with addiction and can support you. Through group therapy, you’ll find that you’re not alone with your issues with abusing Vicodin. You’ll see that others can lift you up and support your recovery when you’re dealing with those rough days.
How Memphis Recovery can Help
Memphis Recovery Centers is here to help you if you realize that you’re having issues with the Vicodin addiction signs. We’re a dual diagnosis treatment center as well, which means we also specialize in helping people with co-occurring mental illnesses. Some of the various forms of therapy we use to help people recover include the following:
If you recognize Vicodin addiction signs in yourself, it’s not too late to turn things around. If you’re ready to begin a new life, call us today at 901-272-7751.