Psychotherapy plays a crucial role in effective drug and alcohol recovery. A variety of different therapies options are usually available. One frontline option is an evidence-based technique called cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT. A cognitive-behavioral therapy program helps you make progress in three crucial ways.
To gain the benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy for addiction, you must seek out experienced providers. At Memphis Recovery Centers, we provide a cognitive-behavioral therapy program as a component of addiction treatment. With our help, effective cognitive-behavioral therapy in Memphis is within your reach, so reach out today by calling 901-272-7751 if you or a loved one suffers from addiction.
3 Benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Addiction
1. CBT Helps You Recognize Harmful Thoughts and Reactions
The first benefit of CBT is helping you recognize harmful mental habits. Common examples of these habits include:
- Focusing on the negative in any given situation
- Thinking in overly general terms
- Believing the worst is always about to happen
This form of therapy also helps you see how such thoughts lead to addiction-supporting behavior. This new and healthy perspective sets you up for further progress in addiction therapy at Memphis Recovery Centers.
2. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Helps You Change
Effective change is the key to making further strides toward recovery. CBT supports this change. It does this, in part, by helping you develop healthier mental habits. These positive and healthy mental habits are tools you carry with you for the rest of your life.
Specific methods used by therapists include:
- Helping you track your thoughts
- Using role-play to practice healthier responses
- Showing you how to face scenarios that tend to trigger harmful thinking
When your mental habits improve, your reactions to everyday situations begin to improve. The result is the next step in developing an outlook that promotes recovery.
3. CBT Helps You Prepare for Real-Life Situations
During your time in therapy, you create the conditions for change. However, those conditions must not be limited to your time in treatment. For you to gain a lasting benefit, they must also apply to the real world.
Addiction therapy experts understand this need for practical, everyday treatment benefits. For this reason, CBT provides you with real-life coping skills. These skills help you in several different ways. For example, you will learn how to recognize situations that put your sobriety in danger. You will also learn how to respond effectively to those situations.
The right response is not always the same. In some cases, you may be able to prepare yourself in advance for the challenges ahead. In others, you may need to make rapid, unexpected decisions. Much of the time, you will be able to deal effectively with a given set of circumstances. However, everyone has their breaking point. One of the most important skills you will learn is when you need to leave a dangerous situation.
Learn More About Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Treatment
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is not always the same for everyone. Some people only receive addiction therapy in group sessions. Others only take part in one-on-one sessions with their therapists. In addition, many people benefit from a combined group and individual approach. You may receive treatment while enrolled in inpatient or outpatient care. Customization is essential. Top programs will always take your needs into account and develop a personalized plan.
At Memphis Recovery Centers, we understand the need for specialized options. All of our CBT treatment plans are developed to meet your unique recovery goals. That’s the key to providing you with the greatest possible benefits. Whether you are affected by drug or alcohol addiction, we support you with the best in expert care. To learn more about how we can help with our cognitive-behavioral therapy in Memphis, fill out our online form or contact us today at 901-272-7751.