How Groups Promote Teamwork
From the very beginning, group counseling creates a sense of commitment among all of the members to attend meetings. It also creates a sense that not attending, being late, or disrespecting everyone’s time hurts the group.
Group therapy gives people the nurture and support that they don’t get from their families. When they’re in pain or tough situations, members learn to be there for each other. They work together to provide support and encouragement to help each other stay sober. This counseling method also gives members a forum to practice healthy communication with their families.
Group members also learn and relearn social skills. They help each other grasp how to cope with everyday life. Some members may only observe to learn these skills while others teach them. The meetings also provide a safe, supportive environment for them to practice these skills together.
This teamwork extends outside of the group meetings at Memphis Recovery. It teaches group members to lean on supportive family, friends, or support group members to avoid relapse. They learn that it’s OK to ask for help because addiction is a challenging mental disease to manage alone.
Group Therapy Types
Fixed and revolving groups are two main categories of group counseling. At Memphis Recovery, we may use both depending on our clients’ needs.
Our fixed groups begin and end with the same members. We don’t add new members to these groups once the sessions begin. This addiction treatment approach is ideal for people who are in the same phase of drug abuse and addiction treatment.
Our revolving groups allow existing members to leave and new members to join at any time. This approach lets new members gain insight from the existing members. The cycle repeats, promoting teamwork between members to help each other achieve sobriety. These groups don’t usually come to a close.
Group Counseling Models
At Memphis Recovery, we use several models for group therapy. We use so many because no single approach can meet the needs of all of our clients.
Cognitive-behavioral groups focus on managing emotions, resolving conflicts, and building new skills. Some of the skills that members learn help them prevent relapse. Interpersonal process groups focus on understanding how people think in order to heal. They can recreate and rethink past problems that led to their drug use.
In psychoeducational groups, we educate clients about drug abuse and addiction. They can also learn about managing feelings, resolving conflicts, family roles, and health and wellness. Along with the focus on cognitive behavioral groups, skills development groups cultivate life skills and relaxation.
Get Group Support at Memphis Recovery
If you don’t get the support that you need from your family to achieve sobriety, get it at Memphis Recovery. Even if you have a supportive family, we can teach you the value of teamwork in sobriety. We also have a strong family therapy program that deals with family and trauma issues, as well as spirituality. Our staff provides therapies other than group and family counseling, such as:
- Music and art therapy
- Dual diagnosis and trauma therapy
- Nutrition and wellness therapy
- Youth treatment program
Our inpatient drug rehab programs take so many approaches to care because we customize every client’s treatment plan. We also offer a unique intensive outpatient program and also a partial hospitalization program for our adult clients. When our clients complete their main treatment plan, they can take advantage of aftercare treatment.
Don’t wait until you hit rock bottom to seek drug abuse or addiction treatment. Overcome your drug problem at Memphis Recovery, and take control of your life again. Contact us at 901-272-7751 to learn more now.